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24/2:Stand on One Leg 金雞獨立
2014/06/10 16:46:56瀏覽1673|回應0|推薦0

Golden Cock Stand on One Leg (Jin Ji Du Li)

Author: Zhong Li Ba Ren, 中里巴人 真名鄭幅中
求醫不如求己 金雞獨立法
         Introducing a simple health exercise, simple and effective. The essence of the movement is "Eyes Must be Closed". Practise the "Jin Ji Du Li" with the eyes closed? If unable to stand for less than 10 seconds, it means body has regenerated to 60 to 70 years old level. Frequent practice can recover the sense of balance.Chinese specialists recommend daily practice of Jin Ji Du Li for 1 minute, to prevent dementia. Slightly closed both eyes while practicing Jin Ji Du Li is the recommended health practice by health specialist Zhong Li Ba Ren.

         Daily practice of Jin Ji Du Li, can help in Hypertension, High Blood Sugar, Neck and Spinal diseases, it can also distance you from dementia. Best selling health book "Self Help is Better than Seeking Doctors' Help", has been the best selling health book in China since its was first published last year. It has been reprinted 12 times within 6 months, with more than 1 million copies sold. The popularity of the book is it teaches many simple practical health tips. The author, Zhong Li Ba Ren, disclosed the most simple and practical health method when he visited Singapore .

        In recommending the Jin Ji Du Li method, Zhong Li Ba Ren said that according to the understanding of Chinese physician, diseases appear because of coordination in the various internal organs encounter problems, the body loses its balance. Jin Ji Du Li can readjust the inter-relationship of these organs. He said that many people can't even do it for 5 seconds, but later on, are able to stand for more than 2 minutes.

        Following the lengthening of the standing time, the feeling of "head heavy, light feet' disappears. The quality of sleep improves, the mind clears up, the memory improves significantly. If you can practice Jin Ji Du Li with your eyes closed for 1 minutes daily, you will not get dementia.

       He pointed out that there are 6 important meridians passing through our legs. Standing with a single leg, the weak meridian will feel sore while getting the required exercise. The corresponding organs of these meridian and their path ways, will get the necessary tuning. This methods\ can concentrate the awareness, and channel the body's qi to the foot. The effects to various illness associated with hypertension, diabetes, neck and spinal diseases are quick to see. Besides strengthening body Immunity rapidly, It can also improve the swivel of the cerebellum, prevent gout.

        This is the basic cure for "Cold Feet Disease" It can also strengthen the body immunity. He said, it is suitable for everyone generally. Especially for the young, when they persist in practicing it daily while they are healthy, their chances of contracting the various illness associated with aging is comparative lower.

Not suitable for those over 70 years old, or those old people whose legs are not able to stand steadily.


         中國專家推薦 每天做一分鐘 "金雞獨立" ,對高血壓、高血糖、頸腰椎病有幫助, 還可以預防老年痴呆症 。 雙眼微閉,做 "金雞獨立",是養生專家中里巴人推薦的養生法。 它是一個動作簡 單又有效的健康法。 個動作的關鍵是 - 「眼睛要微微閉著」。 閉著眼睛做金雞獨 立,如果站不了十秒鐘,表示平衡感退化到了六、七十歲的地步。 多練習可以恢復 平衡感。

       保健養生暢銷書《求醫不如求己》,去年面世後,就一直蟬聯中國各大書店健康類 圖書排行榜榜首,並在半年內再版十二次,發行量達百萬本以上。本書之所以大受 歡迎,主要是它教導了許多實用簡單的保健小方法。本書的作家,也是中國著名養 生專家中里巴人,日前來新期間,就透露了最簡單又有效的養生法。

        中里巴人立刻推薦了 "金雞獨立"。他說,身體出現疾病,中醫理解為五臟六腑之間 相互協調的關係出了問題,身體不平衡了。而 "金雞獨立" 就可調節彼此的關係。 中里巴人說,許多人起初五秒都做不了,但後來可以站上兩分鐘。

        隨著站立時間的延長,頭重腳輕的感覺沒有了,睡眠質量大大提高,頭腦清楚,記 憶力也明顯增強了。"如果你能每日閉著眼做金雞獨立一 分鐘,那麼老年痴呆今生 便與你無緣了。"

      他指出,我們的 腳上有 6條重要的經絡通過。單腳站立,虛弱的經絡會感到酸痛, 同時也得到了鍛煉。經絡對應的臟腑和它循行的部位,也就相應得到了調節。這種 方法可以使意念集中,將人體的氣血引向足底,對於高血壓、糖尿病、頸腰椎病等 病痛有立竿見影的效果,還可以改善小腦萎縮,預防痛風等。

         常練金雞獨立可迅速增強人體免疫力。對於 足寒症,這是治本的方法,也可以迅速 增強人體的免疫力。 他說,一般人都適合,尤其是從年輕、身體健康的時候就開始 堅持每天做,將來患上中老年疾病的幾率,也會比較低。 不過,七十 歲過外而雙 腳已站立不穩的老人,就不適合免強多做。

         中里巴人 真名鄭幅中,家學淵源甚深,其父是八卦掌第四代傳人。自幼,中里巴 人即師承父親的道家導引養生之功,更從祖父的親書祕笈中汲取中醫之精髓,盡得 醫道同源之意趣。新世紀來臨之際,中里巴人蒙87歲的太極名家李寶良先生之厚愛, 被收為關門弟子,老師將其終身所悟大法傾囊相授。中里巴人是《人體使用手冊》 作者吳清忠先生的中醫啟蒙老師,兩人相聚之時常常共誦心經,品茗論賦,其超然 物外之閒逸,堪效古人。
( 知識學習健康 )
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