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Excerpt:《徐志摩詩文補遺》 書名:徐志摩詩文補遺 編者:梁錫華 出版社:時報文化 出版日期:1980/02/30 【Excerpt】 〈莪默的一首詩〉 胡適之嘗試集裏有莪默詩的第七十三首的譯文,那是他最得意的一首譯詩,也是在他的詩裏最「膾炙人口」的一首。新近郭沫若把 Edward Fitzgerald 的英譯完全翻了出來,據適之說關於這一首詩他在小註裏也提起了他的譯文——可惜沫若那本小册子我一時找不到,不能參照他的譯文與他的見解。昨天適之在我書桌子又把他那有名譯詩用「寸楷」的大字寫了出來,並且打起了徽州調高聲期唱了一兩遍(我想我們都懂得適之先生的感慨;誰都免不了感慨不是?)方才我一時手癢,也嘗試了一個翻譯,並不敢與胡先生的「比美」,但我却以為翻詩至少是一種有趣練習,只要原文是名著,我們譯的人就只能憑我們各人的「懂多少」,憑我們運用字的能耐,「再現」一次原來的詩意,結果失敗的機會固然多,但亦盡有成品的——比如斐氏波詩的英譯,難則完全的譯詩是根本不可能的。現在我把那首原譯與胡譯與我的譯文錄在一起,供給愛譯詩的朋友們一點子消遣;如其這磚抛了出去,竟能引出真的玉來,那就更有興致了。 (一)斐氏英譯: Ah Love! could thou and I with Fate conspire To grasp this sorry Scheme of things entire, Could not we shatter it to bits——and then Re-mould it near to the Hearts Desire? (二)胡譯 要是天公換了卿和我, 該把這糊塗世界一齊都破打, 再磨再煉再調和, 好依着你我的安排, 把世界重新造過。 (三)徐譯 愛啊!假如你我能勾着運神謀反, 一把抓住了這整個兒「寒塵」①的世界, 我們還不趁機會把他完全搗爛—— 再來按我們的心願,改造他一個痛快。 十二月二日 ①寒塵一作「寒傖」 註:刊于晨副,民十三、十一、七。 〈有那一天〉 (譯James Elroy Felecker) 她誤入了地獄,一只梅花小雀, 歇在一株漆黑的樹上,她唱, 她唱,唱醒了群鬼的悵惘, 悵惘清風,白日,青林的快樂。 喚醒了群鬼,這小鳥的聲調, 這才明白他們已經來到地獄, 這時候有一只鬼手在摸索, 拉一個生前骨肉,緊緊的摟抱。 註:刊現代評論,民十四、一、二十四。 〔讀者自行補充〕 https://allpoetry.com/Tenebris-Interlucentem:-V.-II A linnet who had lost her way Sang on a blackened bough in Hell, Till all the ghosts remembered well The trees, the wind, the golden day. At last they knew that they had died When they heard music in that land, And some one there stole forth a hand To draw a brother to his side. Fletchers first (published) version read much differently: Once a poor songbird that had lost her way Sang down in Hell upon a blackened bough, Till all the lazy ghosts remembered how The forest trees stood up against the day. Then suddenly they knew that they had died, Hearing this music mock their shadow-land: And some one there stole forth a timid hand To draw a phantom brother to his side 〈譯詩〉 (Arthur Symons: Amoris Victima) 明知不再是我的了,你,但我還不 這樣想,我恨不能打破你的迷蠱, 好叫我這心,這太軟弱於一個心, 享受一半個急促的遺忘的時辰。 這心,在記憶中密層層的自縛, 更無力反抗,更不能痛快的忘却。 我再不能想:這是我唯一的安全路。 我再不能想你!甚至我不能自語, 「我已經忘了。」我來想——但是誰呢? 誰都是可以的,旁人,只要不是你! 阿,但這又是軟弱:我便不能強硬! 就比你,你有的是成心負我的狠心? 且莫讓它變恨,為着愛,讓我的愛 給我力量,讓我暫且忘却你一時間! 註:刊晨副,民十五、四、二十二 〔讀者自行補充〕 https://archive.org/stream/amorisvictima00symo/amorisvictima00symo_djvu.txt IV. I KNOW that you are lost to me, and yet I will not think it. If I could but get This too obsequious heart out of your power For one forgetting and contrafted hour, This heart that from remembrance has not won Oblivion or even rebellion ! I must not think : theres safety that one way. I must not think of you, not even to say " I have forgotten." I will think of — who? All other women, since they are not you ! Ah ! but thats weakness : can I not be strong, As you are, in your rage to do me wrong ? O ! lest I hate you, let my love have power. For loves sake, to forget you for one hour ! |
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |