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Is she that little girl?
2016/11/28 13:21:01瀏覽196|回應0|推薦3

Yesterday when I was in my study, suddenly my wife yelled at me in the parlor, "Come and see, that girl of (Love beneath the hawthorn tree) won the best actress award in Golden Horse."  When I saw her on TV, I said, "Is she that little girl?"  Indeed, it was her, that slim, not pretty, and seemingly immature young lady, nervously standing on the stage with the co-winner, scarcely finishing her speech of appreciation. 

Now I know her name: Zhou Dongyu(周冬雨).  I amired her performance in "Love beneath the hawthorn tree", and I wrote "Love Beneath The Hawthorn Tree 山楂樹之戀" and posted it at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/7113923.  (I did also write a series of comments on the translated edition of the novel which  was adapted for the film, but I dont remember where I posted them.) 

Zhou, congratulations.  I am longing to see your performance again in your award-winning "七月與安生". 



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