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Mr. Jack-of-all-trades
2016/08/16 13:19:16瀏覽206|回應1|推薦7

Olympic 2016 is still on through the mid way, and the athletes from either side of the strait acquitted themselves not well so far this time.  Then suddenly I recall a physical education teacher who taught me in junior high (maybe also in senior high; I don't remember): Mr. Hui Huaiqing(惠懷慶老師). 

Mr. Hui never taught us anything related to physical education; every time in class he always gave us basketballs and soccer balls to play with all by ourselves.  I guess he might not have more energy and time to focus on his students because he had engaged in many ROC Olympic affairs, and he was also a licenced international basketball referee.  But the most amazing thing was, if I remember correctly, he was an equestrian athlete once in a summer Olympic and a skating athlete in a winter Olympic.  How come he was so versatile that he could play a wide variety of sports which is totally different from one another?

Well, the truth is during late 50's and early 60's ROC in Taiwan had no capability and money to spare in any sport events of wold class.  But ROC government simply wanted to show up in those events so as to prove its "existence".  I don't mean to denigrate my teacher's performances.  He must have been good, but not good enough.  I miss you, Mr. Hui. 

P.S. In the same time, there did have a sports genius in Taiwan: Xie Tianxing(謝天性).  Mr. Xie was originally an athlete in field and truck, and he once held the ROC record of the javelin and the high jump.  Though Mr. Xie's real forte was volleyball, he became a member of national basketball team just after several months' training from a complete novice.  Oh my goodness!        

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2016/08/17 21:29

Jack of all trades 是樣樣都通,樣樣稀鬆。


Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-08-17 22:22 回覆:
Yes, that's what I meant. "雜而不精"