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Spain, here I come.
2016/03/11 13:26:09瀏覽263|回應1|推薦12

Tonight I will take part in a tour on Spain for twelve days.  The tour is conducted by the retirees' association with which my wife is one of the membership.  See you guys laters; certainly I'll write something about what I see in Spain when I come back. 

Speak of travelling, I am somewhat a follower to Mr. Li Ao who's never travel abroad when he came to Taiwan except once he went to Mainland(still he travelled within China).  Why not?  Simply because how could you see with your own eyes the more beautiful and wonderful landscape than what Xu Xiake(徐霞客) had demonstrated in his masterpiece "徐霞客遊記"?  You may say if everybody is like Mr. Li, there will be no tourism at all, then what the world (and its economy) will be?  You are probably right, but at least you should have a fundamental knowledge of history and geography pertaining to the place you are going to visit, not just for the purpose of travelling there only.

So am I conversant with Spain's history and geography?  More or less, though not that much.  More than what I'd learned from college, a famous travel writer, also named Xu, had already given me some intriguing knowledge about Spain when I was in high school: the travelling literature "追憶西班牙" written by Ms. Xu Zhongpei(徐鍾珮) as serialized in the supplement edition of Central Daily.  FYI, Ms. Xu is also Mrs. Zhu Fusong(朱撫松), and Zhu had been ROC's Minister of Foreign Affairs, prior to that he was the ambassador in Spain. 

P.S.  Central Daily used to be a mouthpiece of KMT alright, but it contained some highly readable editions besides those dogmatic propaganda.  I loved its "Map and Global Report" and the supplement.  I had learned a lot of modern Chinese language from its supplement edition, and later I bought its analects(中副選集).  Someday I will read them again for sure.     


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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2016/03/12 19:39
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-03-23 22:12 回覆:
Thanks! I was back to Taipei now.
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-03-23 22:14 回覆:
Thanks! I was back to Taipei now.