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2016/02/07 01:24:39瀏覽150|回應0|推薦3

Everybody loves to see rainbows hanging above the sky.  I recognized the word "rainbow" from the the song "Somewhere over the rainbow", sung by Judy Garland in that famous movie "Wizard of Oz"(綠野仙蹤), when I was in junior high.  Recently I read a review on some Mainland's website(I've forgot where and what it is) in which a reader mentioned the word "虹" and ther other reader responded to it with the term "螮蝀"(Di Dong).  I've seem this term before, and I also know it is from some classic, but I don't remember what it is.  Then I googled into Wiki and found it is from Classic Poem: "螮蝀謂之雩(yu)。螮蝀,虹也".  It impressed me a great deal to learn that some ordinary Mainland netizen could know such an extraordinary term.  Whereas it worried me a great deal to see the degradation of writing comprehension with Chinese in China's Taiwan. 

An UDN blogger Mr. Xia testified in one of his postings that not a single student could write a Chinese composition in Taiwan's Apitude Test(similar to former college entrance exam) without any wrong word, misnomer, or even malapropism.  Such an averagely unqualified performance in Chinese writing has been clearly beyond the pale.  Allow me to say it again that language is the vehicle of culture; therefore, poor language barrier means meager cultural essence.  That will be the biggest problem for the future of Taiwan.          

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