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白菜價 (轉播)
2023/07/28 16:08:20瀏覽155|回應0|推薦12

Why does the West hate China so much? Is China the biggest threat to them militarily? The answer is absolutely incorrect because, in modern history, China has never interfered in the internal affairs of another country, let alone engaged in any war actively.

Then why are there so many China-haters in the world? I think the root cause is that Western countries cannot enjoy the huge advantages of overvalued patents and technical know-how any longer when China enters the competition. The ample, knowledgeable workforce, intelligent people, intact industrial items, and national will to power will let China catch up in any field in a relatively short time if she is willing to do it. When China gets into the swing of any new products from other countries, soon the price of the products will be as cheap as that of "bok choy", and their unreasonable profit will gradually disappear.

That is why western politicians and media insanely criticize China without sparing any effort.


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