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居然抄百度? 親中賣台!
2022/09/03 13:23:48瀏覽611|回應0|推薦11

A DPP politician, Cai, who is now running for the mayor of Keelung, has been debunked that a great deal of his doctoral thesis, especially in the part of conclusion, is being suspicious of plagiarism.  Funny thing is the objects he "stole" including those from Baidu.  

For crying out loud!  Baidu is an encyclopedia sponsored by China Mainland.  How did Cai dare to "borrow" the data from China?  Why didn’t he try to consult Google?  English is kind of hard to him?  Why not use its translation function?  

The mudsling, whispering campaign, or even muckraking will continue to be widely used until the end of this "mid-term" election.  But don’t harbor preference towards any party because just as a saying goes: "the pot calling the kettle black".  The only thing we are going to watch those "incidents" is to wait and see, or just ignore them all. 

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