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別急, 等著瞧.
2022/08/03 22:03:00瀏覽387|回應0|推薦11

She came, she saw, she left.

The farce played by that witch Pelosi had finally ended, at least for the time being.  But the implication of the incident had just begun.  PRC announced from tomorrow she will conduct military drill in six areas around the island for three days and start to ban over a hundred items of Taiwan food to Mainland China.  Of course, we can regard the actions taken as the reprisal for Pelosi visit, but something more serious will happen after this retaliation.

Take South China Sea and Diawyu islets as examples.  When the so-called arbitration resolved against China Mainland, she then accelerated to "plant" the island reefs in the Sea and quickly made them the permanent military bases.  When Jap tried to "privatize" Diawyu islets, China began to regularly cruise the islets by using her huge coast "boats", which is larger than any destroyer of Taiwan.  Now the islets are actually uner the control of China.

No doubt about it, America and western world are trying every possible way to prevent China from emerging and releasing their "Whiteman’s burden" at the cost of sacrificing the lives of Chinese, both side of the strait.  So, PRC all you need now is patience, or more precisely, strategic perseverance.  Hang on China!



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