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Jap Porn
2014/09/18 07:00:46瀏覽474|回應1|推薦5

I remember once Mr. Li Ao said that he detests everything from Japan except  its porn movies.  Well, I feel the same way as Mr. Li did.  Every once in a while when I find no inspiration in writing, I may browse some Jap porn sites a little bit, just for relaxation of course. 

Yesterday I read an online report that a tycoon of Jap porn "industry" lamented there are only 70-odd porn actors left in the business, "even less than the endangered species: Bangali Tigers"; whereas, there are now over 10,000 activating porn actress, with a monthly 4,000 new applicants standing by. (That is why sometime I have a paranoid idea that I would wonder whether every Japanese woman I come across is an porn actress or not.)  Very funny.

You know, Jap porn films are not only made to incite humans arousal, but also to reflect the characteristic perversion of Japanese nation.  Almost all of the "topics" are related to taboo, incest, sadism, violence and other pervert acts(though I dont understand Japanese language).  The existence of those films adequately demonstrates the abnormal national character of Jap people under the disguised appearance of civilization. 

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2014/09/18 09:19


曾幾何時,台灣如此媚日到極點 - 據我觀察,那些媚日的成年人當時不是不在台灣,就是還沒出生。

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-09-18 21:15 回覆:
Blame it mostly to that Jap Li and A-bian. Well, someday the chickens come home to rooster, you'll see.