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2021/10/19 12:04:12瀏覽391|回應0|推薦4

A "legislator" from a radical Taidu party is facing the pressure of being recalled due to his faux pas on social issues like legalization of marijuana, support for Ractopamine-contained American pork and his disgraceful records of hit-and-run driving, gambling, and many others.

Now he is trying to "atone" for what he has done in the past by an odyssey of walking 10 km per day for ten days, or ten hours per day for ten days.  Whatever he is going to trudge on road, it will not a heavy physical burden for a young guy like that "lawmaker".  (I am 75, but I am confident I can do it.)  So, it is purely a farce performed by a politic clown.  But that Wonky Cai, as the chairwoman of DDP, order all members of the party to back that pretentious, good-for-nothing guy simply because he is a Taidu advocate.

The more worrisome thing is the recall may not succeed, for the idiotic islanders in "democratic" Taiwan are too indifferent to care about what he did in the past as long as he is on their side.       


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