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2021/10/16 03:05:48瀏覽563|回應0|推薦9

China Mainland just now successfully launched Shenzhou 13 aircraft, in what is set a landmark moment for female astronauts and Chinas rapidly expanding space program.

Wang Yaping, now 41, the second Chinese female astronaut ever, and this time she maybe the first one who will walk and roam outside the cabinet, is also the mother of a five-years-old girl.  Wang told her daughter on her WeChat that she will pick several stars from the space, after 183 days, and give the stars to her baby daughter and her classmates.  What a brave astronaut and a loving mother she is!  (A beautiful woman, too.) 

FYI, "Reaching for the stars" is an idiom meaning "九天攬月之志" 

© Stringer/AFP/Getty Images

Chinese astronaut Wang Yaping attends a news briefing the day before the launch, at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in the Gobi desert, on October 14.

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