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2020/03/11 13:26:48瀏覽482|回應0|推薦9

Retiredbum observes:

Up to date, I have never set foot in stock market, a legal place for money game or even for a Ponzi scheme, though I know the bourse is made as a channel of investment which would prop the growth of economy.  In Taiwan I do own myself a few shares of some "blue chips", but I just enjoy the dividends out of the shares because I think they are the justified return to my money, just like the salary for my labor and intelligence.

However, anyone who wants to get more from others pockets in the speculative and skittish stock market would be another story.  Attached below is the most easy-to-be-understood article I have ever read regarding the cycle of the ups and downs pertaining to stock market, as well as why it is a place for the game: money game, and eventually a game.   


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