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2020/01/28 13:52:31瀏覽623|回應0|推薦8

Mr Zhong, a member of Academia Sinica in China Mainland, is one of the major beacons of hope for curbing the new epidemic which is in the ascendant.  He worked with Ms Wu, the former vice premier, and successfully fought against SARS in 2003.  Now Mr Zhong, already over 80, is still standing in front of the  Wuhan pnewmonia, while Ms Wu has long retired from government work. Attached below is a reportage concerning their trusty cooperation during SARS and since.

PS  please also see my previous translation on "試譯: 前中國大陸副總理吳儀《你,如果是女人》" at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/9038321

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