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“國安法”,”代理人法“ vs “反分裂國家法”
2019/07/12 06:08:11瀏覽255|回應0|推薦4

Cai administration has made that highly controversial "National" Security laws passed in Legislation Yuan, and now it is going to launch another lawmaking against "CCP agent" in next term.  In so doing, Taiwan will be on a retrograde step to the Chiang era under martial law. 

Unlike Chiang era when the martial law could be easily enforced under "Three NOs Policy"; but now millions of people from Taiwan are travelling across the strait for doing business, studying, and touring, let alone many more behind the keyboards expressing their viewpoints concerning across-strait relationship, how could the "new laws" be put into effect, except bringing some effect of "silent cigadas"? 

So, after all, the clownish act of implementing "new laws" is just another DDP tactic of brinkmanship, for the sake of its benefit in the coming election.  Dear Mainlanders, do not get angry.  Remember you have already had an "Anti-Cession Law" on hand, and you know when to activate the law in due course.      


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