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2019/06/29 09:06:36瀏覽537|回應0|推薦7

Yesterday I talked about the ugly thing that DPP administration ordered to discontinue broadcasting the only pro-unification TV program "夜問打權" in Taiwan, and to dismiss its anchorperson Ms Huang Zhixian from the post. What interests me more than that is the wonderous life of Ms Huang, which may interest you also.

According to some reports concerning her life, as well as to her own recounts, we know she was born to a relatively wealthy family of deep-green background.  When she took joint entrance examination of high schools, she attained 7th place overall in scoring as to enter that prestigious Ist Girls High of Taipei.  (Wow, that was really something!). Should she be a compliant daughter as her father expected her to be a medical student, she would have had a “bright” future.  But she opted for being a “rebel” and quitting school.  She attempted to support herself, like being a taxi driver, and some other jobs, until she was able to go abroad to seek another academic opportunity.

She began with studies in UK, then in America, (she said she had driven all over the states within continental USA, oh my goodness.), finally she went Wuhan, China to study Chinese herb medicine.  I guess she did not practice as a herb doctor, for she had given forays into different fields before she finally became a media worker.  

I think she is a perfect model of that English idiom: Variety is the spice of life. Good for you, Ms Huang.

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