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2019/09/20 07:08:57瀏覽237|回應0|推薦4

I have introduced to you the story of Ms Li Pei and her husband Dr Guo Yonghuai several times before.  Attached below please find another two about the couples, particularly about Ms Li.  Wanna be a star chaser?  She is the real star we fans should always chase after. 

The couples are the perfect model who are living up to the famous quote of US president J.F. Kennedy: "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.", as well as to our Chinese old saying: 苟利國家生死以,豈因禍福避趨之(I shall dedicate myself to the interests of the country in life and death irrespective of weal and woe.  張璐 即席譯於溫家寶總理記者會)



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