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2019/02/07 07:39:57瀏覽286|回應0|推薦5

My wife is crazy about 雞屁股.  (Well, I dont eat that stuff, it sucks.)  Yesterday we had our lunch at home, and my wife prepared a dish of braised chicken.  She warned everybody not to eat that stuff; that was especially hers.  My sons wife wondered what it is, so my son explained to her that its a chicken ass. 

Then I told them in English we say it as popes nose or parsons nose.  "What, are you kidding me?" they exclaimed.  I calmly told them to look the words up in dictionary at once.  My son did in his cell phone, he found, and he believed. 

I do not know the origin of the words, and how are they associated with pope and parson.  But their "noses" are not edible for Americans, and that is for sure.

P.S.  There should be an apostrophe in "pope" and "parson", but I cannot type the mark out no matter I try it in either old edition or in new edition.  UDN, please do something to address the problem, for I have heard of the same complaint from other bloggers many times. 


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