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2019/01/26 10:16:45瀏覽254|回應0|推薦3

Subject famous piece of verse of 節婦吟 by 張籍 has become the most lamentable adieu(or excuse) expressed by a married woman to a man, other than his husband, who shows his love or even proposes to her.  Previously, I introduced the poem to you and translated it at: "試譯 節婦吟" http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/77199954

Now I found a more detailed reportage concerning the behind-the-scene story of the poem and some others related to it, which may interest you to read at: https://www.toutiao.com/a6640022770505744899/

So poetry is a highly spiritual and sentimental journey of the state of mind of poets, which contains overtunes that sometimes not to tell the readers explictly what they really intend to say.  That is one of the most fascinating characterics of poetry.   

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