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2019/01/16 13:07:13瀏覽329|回應0|推薦5

Several days ago I read a piece of report from a pro-Green media that J-20, the stealth fighter of China Mainland, has a lot of intrinsic defects that make it even no match to third-generation fighters like US F-15 and an European one, let alone US F-22.  I really doubted it, but I did not own myself enough knowledge to give it a convincing retort until I have found an indepth analysis as attached below.

Mr Xi, the author, tells his readers not only the supreme quality of J-20, but the resolution and the can-do spirit of China that urges her on to emulate America in cutting-edge technologies.  He is also trying to convince people of Taiwan that any military resistence against a determined China Mainland, when necessary, will be futile.  At last, he reminds the readers of exactly 70 years ago the battle of Huaihai(or Xubang) ended this month, but the Liberation War, in whatever form, is still going on.      


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