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2019/01/13 09:29:45瀏覽127|回應0|推薦4

I did introduce the couple to you at my previous writing several times, but it will never be too many to us to memorize them for their contribution and sacrifice to new China.  They are national spines and pillars of the republic, like many of their contemporaries.  Without them, the leadership of Mao and Zhou as well, China would have hardly survived the time of scarcity from inside and threats from outside.  (You may not know it that even China Taiwan could easily beat China Mainland by setting a record of 1:30 on the air over Taiwan Strait during 60s.  Did Taiwan air force possessed more skillful techniques of fighting?  Not exactly.  It was simply because the jets of Taiwan were all equipped with US missiles, while PLA air force were still relying on machine guns.)   


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