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2018/10/06 22:35:43瀏覽238|回應1|推薦3

Professor Yin Haiguang is a tragic symbol during the martial law era in Taiwan under the rule of Chiang Kai-shek.  KMT regime could not tolerate his drumming for liberalism and so make him finally die a painful death: stomach cancer that was most likely caused by deep depression, at only 50 in 1969. 

My father-in-law, used to be a superior to Yin in Central Daily, was one of few visitors beside Yins deathbed.  The vistors were all scholars, nevertheless, it took a great courage for them to do so.  Later, an even braver deed was made by Mr Li Ao, a student of Prof. Yin.  Li put on the shroud for Yin; regretfully, Li revealed in his book that he found Yin has a small penis.  That was a stain of Mr Li, because it was totally not necessary for him to reveal the most private part of his teacher.     

Prof. Yin is also an outstanding logician.  Attached here is an article of 逻辑是一种知识,更是一种思维训练 at https://www.toutiao.com/a6608942611614925320/ , in which it gives a brief introduction on Prof. Yin, as well as his logic training and teaching.  The most impressive phrase therein is "Logic without facts is merely sophistry."

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2018/10/07 08:27



Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-10-07 12:33 回覆:
"缺乏邏輯,就容易顛倒是非黑白。": DPP的專利. Logic without facts is merely sophistry!