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2018/09/25 22:21:59瀏覽303|回應0|推薦6

1978, the year that I had my first kid.  My youngest bother, who is seven years younger than I am, then was still a college student, often humming and singing that popular song "Reflections of my life": the changing of sunlight...the reflections of my life.  The end of the year, US severed the diplomatic relationship with ROC, China Mainland started to carry out the experience of "Reform and Open", and the democratic movements in Taiwan ensued. 

Now my daughter is 40 years old; I have retired from work, and my brother is still working as an missionary in northern Thailand.  Changes have been there at every corner of the world within the past 40 years, but the sea change of China Mainland is the biggest one that is far beyond comparison.  I would like to share with you a vivid reportage of "1978,已是四十年前!" at:


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