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2018/09/23 22:28:35瀏覽205|回應0|推薦3

The high-speed railway connect Hong Kong, Shenzheng, and Guangzhou that everybody looks at attentively now inaugurated today.  The railway should  complete and start operation long time ago, but the construction had severely delayed after the plan first brought up.  That somewhat blemished the fame of "Chinese Speed" and "Infrastucture Monster".  Did monetary or economic reason cause the delay?  Not exactly.  The main reason was due to vaious objections from HK local opposition party. 

The latest objection was the protest against central government for its custom inspection at Hong Kong "territory" on the passengers travelling from HK to inland.  The protesters said the act is a bleach of "One Country, Two Systems".  But is Hong Kong not a part of China?  Why can she not set an inspection spot on her own land?  I think it reflects the relics of British colonial rule, and those protesters still have illusive sense of superiority over a "backward" China.  They just can not accept the fact that China now is much stronger than their former master.  Get real, poor little fools!

P.S.  You know, a lot of HKers moved to Canada prior to 1997 take-over.  They must know that there are US customs set in the airports of Canada, but not vice versa.  Well, America and Canada are two different countries!         

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