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大陸漁船: 中國海上新勢力
2018/09/10 17:00:43瀏覽239|回應0|推薦6

According to huanqiu.com report, a large Chinese "fleet" of fishing boats and trawlers is mushrooming as the third strength of China on the sea, especially in the potential areas of conflict.  The report says the "fleet" will act as modern marine militia to engage in a latter-day "People's war" on the disputed area like that in South China Sea.  When that happens, there will be thousands of "eyes" help Chinese navy do the jobs of reconnaissance and/or interference, and make any traditional sea battle a melee.

BTW, for many times I have called for the immediate hoisting PRC flag whenever the fishing boats from Taiwan are operatiing on the high seas, the installment of Beidou system as well.  I have also called for the announcement from China Mainland to the world that any Taiwanese fishing boats are under her protection as long as they are doing nothing illegal on the sea.  Just do it!    

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