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2018/08/13 17:05:10瀏覽453|回應0|推薦3

Report said China Mainland had started to crack down on those people of show biz who are receiving extraordinary high remuneration but paying little taxes.  Effective immediately, the tax rate levied on entertainment raised from as low as 6.4% to 46%.  What a huge difference it is, let alone illegal tax avoidance evaded by those "artists", if any.  ( Fan Bingbing, a big name, became the target of the crackdown, and rumor said she was house-arrested in Beijing right now.  I know her name, but I have never watched any picture or TV drama of hers before.)

The move did not surprise me at all.  From online comments of Mainland, I have heard of a lot of grudge against those "artists" for a long time.  The netizens complained that if those people on stages could earn that much, what should we pay for those infrastructure workers, technicians, science reseachers, and so on, who did genunine contribution to the country.   You know, the sentiments are not just an averseness against wealthy people; it is the fundamental issue of social equality, and people believe that China government will not let alone the problem untended.   

China is a society of relative openness and freedom, but not of sheer laissez-faire.  As long as anyone does not do anything illegally and excessively, which would create rancor among ordinary people, or imperil national security, his or her acts will be tolerable by CCP administration.  I admire this kind of governance.      

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