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2018/08/08 16:24:32瀏覽623|回應0|推薦4

I found subject article in international Fathers Day of June 17, then I saved it in my file until today, the 8th day of August(88 is representing sound of the characters 爸爸), the only Fathers Day in the whole wide world that is observed in Taiwan.  The article shared is a collection of excerpts written by some renowned writers or celebrities in memory of the greatest father of their own.  https://www.toutiao.com/a6567822430025286158/

P.S. Unsurprisingly, that famous "背影" is selected.  Kindly read its original and my translation 試譯 朱自清 "背影" again at: http://classic-blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/7140108

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