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"士大夫無恥, 是謂國恥"?
2018/05/04 19:55:43瀏覽711|回應0|推薦5

The other day on a TV talk show a panelist cited subject phrase to describe the preposterous, shameless acts that DPP administration had been doing.  Indeed, it seems that there are no bottom lines for those DPP robbers to do anything of absurdity by any stretch of the imagination.  (Maybe it is an insult to robbers, for sometimes "盜亦有道".)

Well, I have to point out subject notion, as well as "斯文掃地" in "lifting Gung" incident by Ministry of "Education", is pertaining to traditional Chinese culture, having nothing to do with those "spiritual Jap"(精日份子) of DPP.  So dont reason with them; just use the ballots in your hand to give them lessons.

P.S.  I admire that panelist, Ms. Tang Huilin, an eloquent, articulate, and conscientious TV pundit.  I am a big fan of her.   

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