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2018/04/07 16:50:29瀏覽506|回應0|推薦6

Now America has launched the so-called "trade wars" mainly against China.    Some analysts are used to cite Thucydides theory that when a country is trying to scramble for the hegemony, a war between the runner-up and the incumbent overlord will be inevitable, signifying Chinas "ambition", Industry 2025, will be thwarted by America in the incipient stage.  Those eggheads raised many an example in history to prove their theory is right.  Okay, lets say a trade war is a war. 

But the eggheads forget something: Unlike other challangers, China, the Central Empire, is just going to restore her historical status in the world, naturally and peacefully, which she lost in last two hundred years, no matter the status is number one or number two.  She is doing what she should do like Yi told her people over two thousand years ago that 天行健,君子以自強不息;地勢坤,君子以厚德載物 which has been deeply ingrained in most of Chinese people.  The spirit reached its culmination in 1949 after the end of long humiliation, and embodied it in Chairman Maos famous verses "為有犧牲多壯志,敢叫日月換新天".

Mr Trump and America, I bet you dont understand what those words really mean.  "America number one", or let America be great again", is a slogan, while China owns herself the spirit to reach for the stars, always.   

P.S.  Please also refer to following report at: https://www.toutiao.com/a6540110495083397636/

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