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2018/03/23 21:35:27瀏覽530|回應1|推薦10

This morning was the very first time that I saw "blue-sky" since I have been in Taipei early this month.  Actually, it was not as really clear and azure as an "immense cloudless" sky I used to see elsewhere; rather, it was dusty, gloomy blue, seemingly telling a bleak outlook of Taiwan. 

Everybody knows that constantly blurred sky means air pollution, and pollution is produced mostly by unclean energies, like coal.  How come Cai administration and DPP insist relying on burning lumps of coal to generate power, instead of having recourse to cleaner, more effective, even much safer nuclear plants?  Is non-nuke homeland really DPPs sacrosanct policy? (Perhaps not that hard and fast, because they already decided to restart nuke plant II.)  I dont think Cai and DPP are so stupid that they are ignorant of the trend of other countries in making their choice of energy policy.  Then what are really on their mind?

They have been doing their best to make Taiwan totally different from Chinas Mainland.  Now you could understand why they ban nuke energy, abolish death penalty, and espouse gay marriage, and take other irrational and preverted measures as to make Taiwan is not a part of China.  Peoples welfare?  Not what they are caring about.  For them, anti-China and Taidu might be the most convenient way to secure their office.   

Oh "Taidu", what crimes are committed in thy name!. 

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2018/03/24 17:44



Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-03-24 21:57 回覆:
DPP is low in popularity now. So be careful of their whatever dirty tricks would play in 2020 election.