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2018/03/09 18:30:27瀏覽637|回應1|推薦4

In my previous writing "用人唯親的惡果", I said political nepotism had long been the major standard of DPPs job assignments for whom had rendered meritorious service in victories of election or whom harbored same ideologies as DPPs with great influences.  That was why the young and inexperienced Ms. Wu was chosen to the post of GM to Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Co. in the first place.  

TAPM is just a municipal affiliate of Taipei, though its malfunction may bring ill effects "nationally".  But the success or failure of a department like Ministry of Ecomomy is a matter of life and death to the island.  When in second term of A-bian administration, Ms. Zong, then GM of China Airlines, was assigned to the minister of Economy.  I remember DPP so introduced her as a MBA from a prestigious US university(actually a nondescript local university), and a former chief finance officer to the city of San Diego(actually a very small town of San Diego county), that she was qualified to do the job as the minister.  You know the result: that poor "little white rabbit" was entirely ignorant about economic affairs in face of a fusillade of questions from the legislators of then KMT-dominated Legislation Yuan.  Less than forty days, she quitted the job and became a laughing stock, but DPP didnt care nor take a lesson from it at all.  (FYI, I think Ms. Zong was barely qualified to be even the GM of China Airlines.  She should have known her limitations, and DPP should have known theirs also.) 

Unfortunately, such kind of farces will contiune to play as long as DPP is in office.  Poor islanders, you ask for it.   


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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2018/03/10 06:34
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-03-10 22:29 回覆:
獨立既然無望,sense of mission沒了,DPP執政所為何來? 惟搶位子撈錢而已矣.