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試譯: 蘇軾"記承天寺夜遊"
2017/08/30 12:55:45瀏覽345|回應0|推薦3


At the night of 12th day of lunar October, 6th year of Yuanfeng era when I was going to undress and got into bed, I saw rays of the moonbeam projecting onto ground through the frame of the door.  Cheerfully, I got up and took a walk outside.  Granted that there was no one else shared the joy with me, I strolled along to Chentian Temple to my friend Zhang Huaimin who was staying there.  Zhang was yet to sleep, so together we walked along the courtyard where bright moonlight was like crystal clear water, in which algae and weeds were intertwined.  They were the shadow of banboo and cypress actually.  Is there any night that is a moon out night?  Is there any place where bamboo and cypress cant be found?  Nay, they are always there; only leisured visistors like Zhang and I are wanting. 




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