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2017/06/16 15:51:45瀏覽396|回應0|推薦3

Its pretty hard for ordinary people to pronounce subject names correctly.  Hardly can I do that though I am a history graduate myself.  Please give it a try at: http://www.toutiao.com/a6430646221564739842/.

FYI, I do remember when I was in college one day a teacher pronounced 冒頓 in the classroom as "Mao Dun" instead of "Mo Du", then a classmate(a girl student) corrected him on the spot.  The teacher replied to her calmly, without any sullenness, "I know that, but should we ignore those difficult names and literally pronounce them as modern words as what they are now?  In so doing, we could more easily promote historical knowledge to the public."  Well, what do you think?     

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