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2015單車環台 Day 9_體驗鹿港小鎮之美
2015/04/22 08:34:39瀏覽725|回應0|推薦0

10D 第九天環台心得分享


        Today is the 9th day of the cycling trip. Surprisingly, it rained heavily in Chia Yi. Our tour guide warned us to be especially careful today, and told us a story about how a guy in his tour crashed into a bus during this part of ride. This kind of shook me, and got me anxious. However, as the ride began, things weren't really as I bad as I expected. As we rode for an hour or so, the heavy rain turned into a drizzle, and the sun began to peek out from the clouds. My anxieties vanished, and I enjoyed the rest of ride along with the splendid views along the sides of the road. I wish tomorrow would be an even better ride, and bring me a brand new adventure.

( 心情隨筆校園筆記 )
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