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2015單車環台 Day 8_用自己的力量走遍台灣的各個角落
2015/04/21 08:39:30瀏覽604|回應0|推薦0

10E 第八天環台心得分享



        Even though we had finished the hardest part of this cycling trip, today was still a challenge for most of us, since we still have the tiredness and soreness from that 12 kilometer climb. So the teacher decided to divide the class into two, with people that need more careful attendance in the back accompanied by two teachers and two other students. The view seen and the feeling felt along the trip was pretty much the same as the past few days; the heat coming down on us at 35 degrees, the road that seemed to lead to nowhere, and also everyone struggling not to fall asleep. Today, the distance we had to cover was very little compared to past days, and that made today relatively easy. At night, we were allowed to go out for the first time in our trip to visit the night market. There was so much great things to eat and buy, and there was not enough time to do so, so many of us were caught. Today was a fun day. 

( 心情隨筆校園筆記 )
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