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Cosmic Dreams
2013/06/15 10:51:44瀏覽220|回應0|推薦0
I missed the meteor shower yesterday, but I think the dream I had last night more than made up for it…

I opened my eyes and found myself standing on the grass outside of my house. Everything was illuminated and bright like it was day, but the sky was still black with night. The light was more like extremely luminous moonlight, not really like sunlight, it was silvery. I was going to look around for the moon, but my eyes met the stunning meteor shower instead. Thousands of specks flying across the sky made it look like there were a thousand falling stars.

 The mist of pollution was completely pulled back, nothing stopped my eyes from seeing the sky in all her majesty. I continued to observe to the north, the glittering stars usually dim were bright and flickered in the night sky. My eyes scanned the heavens with wonder and they fell upon an astonishing sight that took my breath awaynuskin hong kong.

 There was Jupiter in all her glory looking MUCH closer to the earth than she had before. She was at least 30 times bigger than the regular moon is and I could see the details of her magnificent atmosphere. I was aware of other planets, but I didn’t look at them so I couldn’t tell you what they were. My heart was racing, I felt adrenaline rushing through my body, and I just wanted to reach out and touch the sky or fly into the stars and join them. After this everything started to dim and my dream changed. I can’t remember what happened after this, but I remember a few glimpses of Darik, so I know he was in my dreams last night. That doesn’t surprise me in the leastnuskin product.

I slept in until early afternoon again. I remember waking up twice for both alarms and turning them off quickly. I normally would stay up for the second one, but I think I deserve a few days of laziness. Today has been a pretty ordinary day for me. I babysat my nieces a little bit today and watched the first Muppet movie with them鑽石首飾.

I have never seen the old one until today. I remember I started watching it a few months ago, but forgot to finish it. I thought it was very cute and VERY funny. I have always had a thing for the Muppets, I grew up watching them a lot. It is no surprise that I got into Sesame street as well when I was younger. I remember watching both of those a lot as a child. I also remember watching the cartoon “Muppet Babies”, and I have recently watched a couple episodes of that on Youtube and still think it is fun to watch脫毛 lumenis .
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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