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2023/08/31 19:59:44瀏覽676|回應3|推薦94 | |
彩色鉛筆畫 ,靈感來自下面那張照片 獅子屬於貓科豹屬動物,也是世界上5大貓科動物之一。牠們在許多社會文化中都有重要的象徵意義。獅子是排名老虎之後,體型第二大的貓科動物。雄獅可重達250公斤。和其他貓科動物相比,獅子比較善於溝通,是群居生活的肉食性動物。 當一群獅子中出現新的領袖公獅,牠會將獅群中的小獅子給殺死,交配權是領袖獨有的,這些小獅子都是前一任的後代。斬草除根之後,新領袖會再與母獅交配生育下一代。 獅子的吼聲是貓科家族中最大聲的。一隻成年獅子的吼聲能夠傳8公里遠,往往是獅群與獅群之間溝通的信號。 由於獅子汗腺不多,因此爲了降低體溫,牠們在白天的活動量不多,一天可睡上16至20小時。牠們的爪子能夠伸縮自如,夜間視力非凡,因此狩獵活動往往是日落之後、日出之前這段期間進行。 負責狩獵的其實是母獅。牠們群體行動,有策略地捕獵比自己身型更大的獵物。公獅則會在外圍保護正在狩獵的母獅。 獅子的口腔後方有一排裂牙能夠將大塊的肉撕成小片。不管獵物的肉有多厚,獅子是用吞的!牠們沒有固定的交配季,不過會配合時間,好讓母獅和公獅能夠分工看小獅子。獅子每一胎可誕下1至4隻小獅子,而小獅子可以找獅群中任何正在哺乳的母獅吃奶。 如果有水源,獅子每天都會喝水。在乾旱的地方,牠們可以忍耐4至5天不喝水。獅子會從獵物的胃攝取水分。 據國際自然保護聯盟表示,非洲獅子正面臨瀕臨絕種的厄運,主要是因爲人類的捕殺,以及棲地遭到破壞。目前存活的數量大約是3萬至10萬隻。亞洲獅的情況更嚴重。它們的棲地嚴重遭到破壞,已經被國際自然保護聯盟列為瀕臨絕種動物,數目甚至低於350隻。 接著請欣賞我唱的《Yesterday Once More》 When I was young Id listen to the radio Waiting for my favorite songs When they played Id sing along It made me smile. Those were such happy times And not so long ago How I wondered where theyd gone But theyre back again Just like a long lost friend All the songs I loved so well. Every Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o Still shines Every shing-a-ling-a-ling That theyre starting to sing So fine. When they get to the part Where hes breaking her heart It can really make me cry Just like before Its yesterday once more. Looking back on how it was In years gone by And the good times that I had Makes today seem rather sad So much has changed. It was songs of love that I would sing to them And Id memorize each word Those old melodies Still sound so good to me As they melt the years away. Every Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o Still shines Every shing-a-ling-a-ling That theyre starting to sing So fine. All my best memories Come back clearly to me Some can even make me cry. Just like before Its yesterday once more. Every Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o Still shines Every shing-a-ling-a-ling That theyre starting to sing So fine. Every Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o Still shines Every shing-a-ling-a-ling That theyre starting to sing So fine. |
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