A. 定義
描述文的寫作是對於五官(sight, sound, smell, touch, taste)的感官做訴求,用文字來描述人,事,物,環境等看起來,摸起來,聞起來,嚐起來,聽起來是如何。就像一副用文字寫出來的栩栩如生的畫。
B. 組織
描述文通常會用一個空間性的順序(spatial order)來組織文章,段落。空間性順序指的是在描述時順時針clockwise,從左邊開始描述到右邊,或逆時針counterclockwise,從右到左。其他可能的方式如從下到上,從下到上,從遠到近,從近到遠,從外面到理面,從裡面到外面等。依內容選擇一個適當的空間順序。
C. 空間性記號Spatial Order Signals
1. in 在(裡面) 2. at 在某個地方 3. inside 在裡面 4. in front of 在前面 5. behind 在後面 6. between 在中間 7. next to 在旁邊 8. near 在附近 9. by 在附近 10. beside 在旁邊 11. on 在上面,東西的表面 12. above 在上面 (高於…) 13. over 在上面(高於…), 穿越,從一邊到另一邊 14. under 在下面 15. below 在下面(有一段距離) 16. across 橫過,對面 17. across from 對面 18. opposite 在對面 19. in the corner 在角落 20. on the corner of A and B 在A與B的轉角 21. in the center of 在…的中間 22. in the front of 在… 的前面 23. in the back of 在…的後面 24. on the right side of 在…的右邊 25. to the left of 在…的左邊 26. in the middle of 在中間 27. beyond 在… 再過去的遠處 28. around 環繞 29. along 沿著 30. against 緊靠著,倚
動詞 1. cross 越過, 穿越 2. pass 通過,渡過
副詞:1. ahead 在前方 2. behind 在後方
D. 描述性段落的主題句
描述性段落的主題句必須明確的告知主題topic,限定主旨則controlling idea
1. My bedroom at home is my refuge from the outside world
2. The campus of your school is like a small city.
3. The cafeteria at lunchtime is the school’s social center.
4. Behind my childhood home, there is a large piece of land that is surrounded by banana trees growing in wild disorder.
5. There is a canyon in northern Arizona that is the most beautiful spot on Earth.
E. 描述性段落的支持句
1. Their green leaves are so thick that sunlight cannot pass through.
2. The birds cry out and then fly away, seeking a better place to nest.
3. Your first view of the canyon takes your breath away. Directly in front of you, the trail disappears straight down the 200-foot cliff.
F. 改變句子的開頭
1. I was afraid of many things during my childhood.
During my childhood, I was afraid of many things.
2. You arrive at Havasupai Village at the end of the trail.
At the end of the trail, you arrive at Havasupai village.