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全民英檢寫作的技巧,首先你要先去了解段落的定義,了解斷落的定義以後你才能去分配你的文章。 1. 段落定義 What is a paragraph? 2. 段落的外觀 What does a paragraph look like on the page? 3. 段落與文章的不同 What is the difference between a paragraph and an essay? 4. 段落的長度 How long is a paragraph? 5. 段落的組織 How is a paragraph organized or developed? A. The paragraph should contain only one central idea B. The paragraph should have unity C. The paragraph should have coherence and continuity D. The paragraph should be adequately developed SUMMARY Your paragraph will be clear and enjoyable to read if you follow the directions summed up here. First, remember to indent the paragraph—once only! Second, remember that the paragraph should be neither too short nor too long; make it approximately eight to twelve sentences in length. Third and most important, organize and develop your paragraph carefully. Remember that the paragraph should contain one central idea only, that it should have unity, coherence, continuity, and adequate development. If you follow these directions, your paragraph should be as good as or better than this one. Writing the paragraph and the short composition Fifth Edition Kathleen E. Sullivan 段落的三個部份 1. 主題句告訴讀者將要討論的主題是什麼。包括了主題topic跟限定主旨controlling idea。主題的範圍不能太大,也不能太小。 2. 支持句提供主題的細節。支持句一般會有幾個支持的論點,論點後可以用具體的細節,事實,例子,統計資料,引言等來支持論點。支持句中要特別注意的是每個句子都要跟主題相關,不能有不相關或重複的支持句。 3. 結論句表示段落即將結束,並且提醒讀者所提過的主題。首先在開頭就會有結束的標示語conclusion signals。接下來可以用重述restate主題句的方式或總結summarize前面講過的論點。記得千萬不要在段落的最後跑出新的主意new idea。 Writing Assignment Topics: 1. How to stay healthy Step 1: Prewrite to get ideas |
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