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largely cut off from professional medical assistance
2014/05/19 18:04:16瀏覽28|回應0|推薦0

Word spread among Ghouta's residents, who, like more than 200,000 other Syrians in besieged areas, have been largely cut off from professional medical assistance. Salah gathered associates, "working with whatever was available, and at our personal expense."

He joined forces with Abou Rushdi, a blacksmith before the war, and opened a workshop. "We started making crutches, then wheelchairs. We tried making prosthetic limbs but we couldn't figure out how to mold the joints."

In December, a man killed by shelling had a prosthetic foot. They were allowed to take the foot, disassembling the piece in order to study how the joint was fitted. "To our surprise," Salah says, "our own methods were very close to the ready-made, high-end prosthetics. And we were able to improve."

The 49-year-old Rushdi says the duo used mannequin pieces to make their early prosthetics, but were soon overwhelmed by demand. They switched to plaster, which also ran out, then to wood and metal, which proved too heavy for proper mobility. limbs3.

The duo hopes to keep working until money runs out, but fellow locals are rising to the task. They've begun donating what they can to the workshop, he says, such as raw materials like plaster, mannequins and even water tanks.

With materials at a premium, they've been forced to be creative. The two are now using the firm, sturdy plastic from unused water tanks to construct prosthetic arms and legs. "I don��t know what will happen when we run out of those," Rushdi admits, "but I��m sure we will find another way octopuses manage this feat brain in a formant of maps solar wind collide with the atmosphere prove useful for weather forecasters survival and the timing of breeding reduce production of the main ingredient Working Americans expect to retire at age 66 early retirements are unexpected pandas are selling out in pet stores hospitalized in 2012 for a blood clot.��

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