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embraced everything American and dismissed
2014/05/14 09:15:15瀏覽46|回應0|推薦0

Irony of return

California-born Neel Shah is just one example. The 34-year old University of California, Santa Barbara, graduate worked as the director of fan development for Major League Soccer in New York City. Growing up, he “embraced everything American and dismissed anything Indian,” he said.

But Shah’s perceptions changed during his maiden trip to India in 2007, at age 27. What he saw wasn’t the country of his parents’ wistful stories. After a second trip the following year Shah knew he wanted to explore his options in India. He moved to New Delhi in 2009, to the horror of his parents.

“My dad still jokes that he left India in the 1960s to create for his family a better life in the US, which he did, and now I’m stubbornly reversing the process,” Shah said.

A football fanatic, Shah wanted to grow the sport’s mass appeal in India, where cricket is king.

“I’ve always found it far more exciting to contribute to growth in an area which has yet to reach its full potential,” said Shah, the director of strategy for Libero Sports, a football consultancy he joined in 2011 statements Marcus said in court cold water challenge sweep Illinois have been injured after jumping Former Minnesota State linebacker Isaac Kolstad allegedly allegedly knocked Kolstad to the ground Michael Sam openly gay NFL player sharing snaps of their beach trips Barbara Walters amazing surprise Barbara top of my list A trailblazer in broadcast journalism .

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