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A895- 自愛 vs 自戀 JCW 2010/08/14. NoDerives (ND) Creative commons Copyright. ▽ External Link ▽ (1). My forum: https://city.udn.com/61613/forum (3). It's fun: http://blog.udn.com/jctheoldman (2). My blog: http://blog.udn.com/jcwang00/article (4). Relay Story: http://blog.udn.com/JC00 ---------------------------Translate多語言翻譯器 ---------------------- 學習過了對抗憂鬱症,就要注意如何避免過分的自重或自大、甚至近乎自愛目戀。 人,必須有充分的自尊和自信。問題則在這充分兩字跟不足和過度的如何分際。我人有『過猶不及』之誡;這過與不及兩者之間就是充分。充分和適足看似相同,實則僅可謂相近:充分偏多,適足偏低。這修養方面的尺度是很精密的 ----- 差以毫釐、失之千里,只能意會,實難分明。 過分的自重就近乎自大。不要以為有自信心的時侯才會自尊自重自大;自信破滅時也會出現一種失常的自大心理反應 ----- 這是不正常並有危險性的反應;危險到足以傷害自己並及於周遭的人。政客黨棍軍閥之流就會有或此或彼的自大,鉅則危害萬眾、遺臭萬年,細亦足以傷及近親家人,遺憾終生。 人,在不知不決之中徘徊在憂鬱與自大兩者之間的一線;只消有個開始,往往就走極端。所以有一失足成千古恨,想回頭已百年身之說。 修養自已可以修心補相,察貌辯色可觀他人心術。拿張照片對它看三五分鐘,你就會有所發現;所謂閱歷,閱是閱察,歷是經歷 ----- 是曾經滄海難為水,除卻巫山不是雲的相對的一面;後者對己不一定有利,前者在處事待人之際殊有助益。也許是想做點事業者不可或缺的能力。 *** *** *** *** 我們華人常說:某人真不知自愛,怎麼竟做出這般見不得人的事來………。 好像人都得自愛! 可是,自愛卻是一種心裡疾病!! 正確的觀念是:人都得適度而正確的自愛,自信,自重;逾分就是不正常了,有病了!!! 所以,正常的自信、自重、自愛叫做『自愛』;過了份的則叫『自戀』。 戀愛兩字不常放在一起用嗎?戀和愛有啥不同呢? 也許愛之深曰戀吧? 自戀不是好事;是心理疾病! 所以說:政治人物多半都有病,尤以政客黨棍為然、為甚。 啥病呢?……… 自戀以至自戀狂! *** *** *** *** ★(1). Egoism-Wikipedia – <註:奇怪,如此重要的Ego(自重)跟Arrogant(驕妄自大)竟然都沒有中文篇,我來翻譯 (非常困難,錯謬勿怪)。> The terms "egoism" and "egotism" may refer to ( egoism及egotism意指): * egoism, selfish (自私) ** ethical egoism, the doctrine that holds that individuals ought to do what is in their self-interest (道德自私,認為人為利己行事是應該的) ** psychological egoism, the doctrine that holds that individuals are always motivated by self-interest (心理自私,認為人該做於己有利之事) ** rational egoism, the belief that it is rational to act in one's self-interest (合理的自私,認為人的利己是合理的) * egotism, an excessive or exaggerated sense of self-importance (過分或誇大的高傲,自負) * solipsism, (sometimes called egoism), the belief that only one's self exists, or that only the experiences of one's self can be verified (唯我論,亦称自私,認為僅有自己的存在是重要的,或自己的經歷才是實在的) * Egoist anarchism, a form of anarchism, as most often represented by Max Stirner (自我主義者的無政府主義,馬克斯史蒂某主張的無政府主義) * egocentrism - inability to "put himself in other peoples' shoes" (自我中心主義;認為人不能投入他人的見地) [See also]: * Altruism (利祂主義) * Arrogance (Overbearing pride) (傲慢,過分的自豪感) * egoism (自重、自私、自愛) ** ethical egoism, the doctrine that holds that individuals ought to do what is in their self-interest (道德自私,認為人為利己行事是應該的) ** psychological egoism, the doctrine that holds that individuals are always motivated by self-interest (心理自私,認為人該做於己有利之事) ** rational egoism, the belief that it is rational to act in one's self-interest (合理的自私,認為人的利己是合理的) * egotism, an excessive or exaggerated sense of self-importance (自負、自大、自戀,過份或誇大的高傲) * Egotism in German Philosophy (1916) (George Santayana著的書,網上可閱,目錄在第九頁) * Hubris (Extreme haughtiness or arrogance) (過分驕傲,極端的傲氣或傲慢) * Individualism, a focus on the individual as opposed to society (個人主義,與社會相對的集焦在個人) * Individualist anarchism - anarchism that exalts the supremacy of the individual (個人主義的無政府主義 - 個人霸權的無政府主義) * Machiavellianism, a tendency to deceive and manipulate others for personal gain (馬基雅弗利主義,主張欺騙和操弄他人以獲取私利。譯註好像有一種宗教說偷搶姦淫是罪,引誘欺詐非罪 ----- 因為接受引誘欺詐是當事人主動意願!) * Objectivism (Ayn Rand), a philosophical system based on the writings of Ayn Rand that advocates egoism (見《客觀主義-維基百科》,以Avn Rand的著作為依据的哲學系統,主張現實與良知無関的自私思想) * Post-egoism, a philosophy aiming beyond egoism (後自私主義,著眼在自私之後的哲學) * Satanism, a philosophy based on individualism, objectivism and self-preservation (惡魔崇拜、崇惡主義,基於個人主義、客觀主義的尋求自我保全的哲學) * Selfishness (自私) ** Rational selfishness (合理的自私,同rational egoism,認為人的利己是合理的) * Selfism,Selfism refers to any philosophy, doctrine, or tendency that upholds explicitly selfish principles as being desirable. It is usually used pejoratively. (自利主義。此詞是貶義詞,指任何認同極度自私利己的哲理。) * Suitheism, belief in self as a deity (將自己擬神化的思想) *** *** *** *** ★(2). Egotism-Wikipedia:Egotism is the motivation to maintain and enhance favorable views of oneself. Egotism means placing oneself at the center of one's world with no direct concern for others, including those loved or considered as "close", in any other terms by the "egoist". (自負指維護並加強利己的動機。自負意指以自我為世界的中心; 不必在乎他人、即心愛者亦不例外。) It is closely related to narcissism, or "loving one's self," and the possible tendency to speak or write of oneself boastfully and at great length. Egotism may coexist with delusions of one's own importance, even at the denial of others. This conceit is a character trait describing a person who acts to gain values in an amount excessively greater than that which he/she gives to others. Egotism is often accomplished by exploiting the altruism, irrationality and ignorance of others, as well as utilizing coercive force and/or fraud. (自負與自愛、自我陶醉有緊密的關連;故有刻竟崇揚自己的傾向。自負者有以自我為重的錯覺,甚至否認他人的重要性。故自負者咸欲取得較他人為多的收獲,且務求收穫甚高過於付出。自負者通常否定利他人、咸不可理喻,且亳不顧及他人,並竭盡其可能的以運用遏制力量和欺騙為手段。) Egotism differs from both altruism, or acting to gain fewer values than are being given, and egoism, the belief that gaining more values than given is permissible. Various forms of "empirical egoism" can be consistent with egotism, as long as the value of one's own self-benefit is entirely individual.[dubious – discuss][clarification needed]. (自負與利他主義絕不相容,乃不容收獲少於付出;相信收獲多於付出是合理的。各種得自自私的經驗會促成人的自負,因為他認為自利絕對是合理的個人行為。 [此言存疑,需待闡明] ) `````````````````````````````````` [ Narcissism 自戀]: * Types類別:Acquired situational · Aggressive · Amorous · Closet · Compensatory · Conversational · Corporate · Cross-cultural · Cultural · Destructive · Elitist · Exhibitionist · Fanatical · Gender · Group · Healthy · Malignant · Medical · Phallic · Primordal · Sexual · Spiritual · Unprincipled * Characteristics特徵:Arrogance (hubris) · Bad boundaries · Criticism (intolerance of) · Egotism · Entitlement · Envy · Grandiosity · Greed · Magical thinking · Manipulative · Narcissistic injury · Narcissistic rage · Narcissistic supply · Opportunism · Selfishness · Shamelessness · Superficial charm · Vanity * Related articles相關項目:Control freak · History of narcissism · Malignant narcissism · Micromanagement · Narcissism of small differences · Narcissistic parents · Narcissistic personality disorder · Narcissistic Personality Inventory · On Narcissism (Freud book) *** *** *** *** ★(3). Selfishness-Wikipedia:Selfishness denotes the precedence given in thought or deed to the self, i.e., self interest or self concern. It is the act of placing one's own needs or desires above the needs or desires of others. Psychologist and primatologist Frans de Waal takes issue with those who equate "selfishness" with "self-serving." He argues that "Selfishness implies the intention to serve oneself, hence knowledge of what one stands to gain from a particular behavior". (2009, 13). Selfishness is the opposite of altruism (selflessness). The implications of selfishness have inspired divergent views within religious, philosophical, psychological, economic and evolutionary contexts. [See also]: Arrogance (Overbearing pride) Ethic of reciprocity (the "Golden Rule") Hubris (Extreme haughtiness or arrogance) A Theory of Justice (by John Rawls) [Further reading]: Twilight of the Idols, Friedrich Nietzsche Penguin Classics; Reissue edition (February 15, 1990), ISBN 0140445145 The Evolution of Cooperation, Robert Axelrod, Basic Books, ISBN 0-465-02121-2 The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins (1990), second edition—includes two chapters about the evolution of cooperation, ISBN 0-19-286092-5 The Virtue of Selfishness, Ayn Rand, ISBN 0451163931 === EOF === 請幫我鼓吹我的政治理念 A810CN★- 未 來 世 界 之 聲 2010-06-20 ☆ 謝謝你的支持 ☆ . . .
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