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2011/12/17 00:40:43瀏覽334|回應0|推薦25 | |
從「911事件紀念碑」開始,開啟了紐約漫遊,且看照片娓娓道來: ▼ New Jersey 9/11 Memorial Foundation 。左下角的鋼板即是911的殘骸。 ▼ On the morning of September 11th, 2001, with the skies so clear that the Twin Towers across the river appeared to be within reach, the very essence of what our country stands for – freedom, tolerance and the pursuit of happiness – was attacked. This memorial is dedicated to New Jersey’s 746 innocent loved ones who were violently and senselessly murdered that day at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and in Shanksville, PA.。 ▼ Let this memorial reflect the legacies of those whose lives were lost, that their unfulfilled dreams and hopes may result in a better future for society. Their unique qualities and characteristics enriched our lives immeasurably and through this memorial, their stories live on. 。 ▼ 從911殘骸向雙牆的另一端望去,視線聚焦的地方,就是「Twin Towers」的所在地。而牆面的建築映射,就像是逝去的人影……。 ▼ 新的建築物再次步步高昇。 ▼ 往者以矣!。 ▼ Goldman Sachs大樓。
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |