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2009/07/05 22:56:13瀏覽1677|回應1|推薦0 | |
不好意思啦!沒想到上篇沒打完的也有二十幾人瀏覽了,練習篇一個題目都還沒出,也有三位朋友給了推薦。 這些練習是針對【動詞過五關,之一】裡的概念:現在簡單式中,動詞如何表達人稱的,如果這些題目你不會,就回到【動詞過五關,之一】複習一下 練習題:從括弧中選出正確的動詞。 1. I (am are is do does) a nice person. 2. You (am are is do does) very lucky! 3. He (am are is do does) so cute! 4. My English teacher (am are is do does) very kind. 5. My classmates (am are is do does) all good students. 練習題:依主詞人稱將括弧中的動詞寫出正確的動詞形式。 1. I (go) to school in the evening. 2. My sister (study) very hard. 3. She (like) to swim in the morning. 4. My brother always (watch) TV all the day on holidays.
以上題目,如果你需要講解和解答,就回應吧! |
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