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Side effect of Pregnenolone
2007/05/14 17:00:56瀏覽346|回應0|推薦0

Side effect of Pregnenolone


Pregnenolone is the precursor (building-block) for all other steroid hormones. It is converted directly into DHEA and/or progesterone. DHEA converts to testosterone and estrogens; progesterone converts to estrogens, cortisol, and aldosterone. It is this succession of conversions that makes human life possible. Without pregnenolone, there can be no human steroid hormone production.


In one human study, eight people received 50 to 150 milligrams per day by intramuscular injection for 75 days, with no reported side effects. Dr. Eugene Roberts gave 20 Alzheimers patients 525 mg/day for three months with no toxicity. During rheumatoid arthritis experiments with pregnenolone, Dr. H. Freeman and colleagues gave 500 mg pregnenolone/day for up to 30 weeks, with no toxicity. And Drs. Pincus and Hoagland, two of the pioneer researchers on pregnenolone use by humans in the 1940s, found no toxic reactions with pregnenolone used by hundreds of men and women at dosages of 100 mg/day for four months.



孕烯醇酮是所有其他類固醇激素的前驅物(組成部分)。它直接轉化為DHEA 和/或黃體酮。DHEA 轉化為睪固酮和雌激素;黃體酮轉化為雌激素、皮質醇和醛固酮。正是這一連串的轉化,使人類的生命成為可能。沒有孕烯醇酮,就不可能產生人類類固醇激素。 

在一項人體研究中,8 個人每天透過肌肉注射50 至150 毫克,持續75 天,沒有報告副作用。尤金·羅伯茨(Eugene Roberts) 博士給20 名阿茲海默症患者每天525 毫克,持續三個月,沒有出現任何毒性。在類風濕性關節炎實驗中對於孕烯醇酮,H. Freeman 博士及其同事每天給予500 毫克孕烯醇酮,持續長達30 週,沒有毒性。平卡斯(Pincus) 博士和霍格蘭德(Hoagland) 博士是20 世紀40 年代人類使用孕烯醇酮的兩位先驅研究人員,沒有發現任何毒性。數百名男性和女性以100 毫克/天的劑量使用孕烯醇酮四個月後出現反應。
( 知識學習科學百科 )
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