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5-HTP 5-羥色氨酸 助眠 減肥 抗憂鬱
2007/08/29 20:28:11瀏覽1670|回應0|推薦0

5-HTP  5-羥色氨酸  助眠 減肥 抗憂鬱

5-HTP 通常用於治療輕度憂鬱症,其理論基礎是作為血清素的前體,補充 5-HTP 可以增加血清素水平並影響情緒、睡眠模式和疼痛控制。 氨基酸色氨酸也可以在體內分解產生核糖和/或 NAD——這兩者都與能量水平的增加有關。 雖然這些當然是合乎邏輯的理論,但支持它們的科學證據充其量仍然是溫和的。

如上所述,5-HTP 有效性的整體科學證據並不是很強。 然而,在一些小型研究中,5-HTP 已被證明與處方抗憂鬱藥物一樣有效,而且副作用更少,但也有同樣多的對照臨床試驗表明 5-HTP 在緩解情緒方面沒有效果幹擾。 在其他研究中,每天 300-900 毫克的 5-HTP 劑量可有效減輕疼痛(偏頭痛和纖維肌痛)、降低食慾和促進睡眠(可能透過增加血液中褪黑激素的水平)。 在一些研究中,似乎存在「反應者」——血液中 5-HTP 水平升高的人,以及「無反應者」——沒有看到這種增加。 幾項研究調查了 5-HTP 補充劑與 SSRI 藥物(選擇性血清素再攝取抑制劑,如芬氟拉明和氟西汀 - 百憂解)的結合。 在這種組合中,5-HTP 有望幫助增加血清素合成,而 SSRI 則可以保持血清素水平升高——但這一假設尚未被證明特別有效。 至少在一項研究中,5-HTP 實際上似乎會導致健康受試者的憂鬱症狀增加——這與補充劑使用者所尋求的效果恰恰相反。

5-HTP 是氨基酸色氨酸(添加到 5 位的羥基)的衍生物。 在體內,色胺酸會轉化為 5-HTP,然後再轉化為血清素(大腦中一種有效的神經傳導物質)。 儘管在正常飲食中未發現任何顯著水平的 5-HTP,但色氨酸存在於多種蛋白質食品中。 膳食補充劑中使用的 5-HTP 源自非洲植物(Griffonia simplicifolia)的種子。

· 緩解輕度至中度憂鬱症 減輕中度憂鬱

· 緩解失眠,促進安寧睡眠 助眠

· 透過抑制食慾促進減肥 抑胃口 助減重

· 減輕整體疼痛感(偏頭痛、纖維肌痛、全身肌肉疼痛)

5-HTP 通常用於治療輕度憂鬱症,其理論基礎是作為血清素的前體,補充 5-HTP 可以增加血清素水平並影響情緒、睡眠模式和疼痛控制。 氨基酸色氨酸也可以在體內分解產生核糖和/或 NAD——這兩者都與能量水平的增加有關。 雖然這些當然是合乎邏輯的理論,但支持它們的科學證據充其量仍然是溫和的。

如上所述,5-HTP 有效性的整體科學證據並不是很強。 然而,在一些小型研究中,5-HTP 已被證明與處方抗憂鬱藥物一樣有效,而且副作用更少,但也有同樣多的對照臨床試驗表明 5-HTP 在緩解情緒方面沒有效果幹擾。 在其他研究中,每天 300-900 毫克的 5-HTP 劑量可有效減輕疼痛(偏頭痛和纖維肌痛)、降低食慾和促進睡眠(可能透過增加血液中褪黑激素的水平)。 在一些研究中,似乎存在「反應者」——血液中 5-HTP 水平升高的人,以及「無反應者」——沒有看到這種增加。 幾項研究調查了 5-HTP 補充劑與 SSRI 藥物(選擇性血清素再攝取抑制劑,如芬氟拉明和氟西汀 - 百憂解)的結合。 在這種組合中,5-HTP 有望幫助增加血清素合成,而 SSRI 則可以保持血清素水平升高——但這一假設尚未被證明特別有效。 至少在一項研究中,5-HTP 實際上似乎會導致健康受試者的憂鬱症狀增加——這與補充劑使用者所尋求的效果恰恰相反。

如果您決定使用 5-HTP,典型劑量為每天 300-900 毫克(通常一天服用 2-3 劑)。

5-HTP is a derivative of the amino acid tryptophan (a hydroxyl group added to the 5-position). In the body, tryptophan is converted into 5-HTP, which then can be converted into serotonin (a potent neurotransmitter in the brain). Although 5-HTP is not found at any significant level in a normal diet, tryptophan is found in a wide variety of protein foods. The 5-HTP used in dietary supplements is derived from the seeds of and African plant (Griffonia simplicifolia). 

·  Relieves mild to moderate depression  緩解輕中度憂鬱

·  Relieves insomnia and promotes restful sleep 助眠

·  Promotes weight loss by suppressing appetite 抑胃口 助減重

·  Reduces overall sensation of pain (migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, general muscle pain) 減少疼痛 

5-HTP is typically used to treat mild depression based on the theory that as a precursor to serotonin, supplements of 5-HTP can increase serotonin levels and influence mood, sleep patterns and pain control. The amino acid, tryptophan, can also be broken down in the body to yield ribose and/or NAD – both of which have been associated with increased energy levels. While these are certainly logical theories, the scientific evidence supporting them remains moderate at best. 

As indicated above, the overall scientific evidence for the effectiveness of 5-HTP is not very strong. In a few small studies, however, 5-HTP has been shown to be as effective as prescription antidepressant medications – and with fewer side effects – but there are just as many controlled clinical trials which have shown no effect of 5-HTP in alleviating mood disturbances. In other studies, doses of 5-HTP in the range of 300-900mg/day have resulted in benefits in reducing pain (migraines and fibromyalgia), reducing appetite and promoting sleep (possibly by increasing blood levels of melatonin). In some studies, it appears that there are “responders” – those individuals who experience an elevation in 5-HTP levels in the blood, as well as “non-responders” – who see no such increase. Several studies have investigated 5-HTP supplementation in conjunction with SSRI medications (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as fenfluramine and fluoxetine – Prozac). In this combination, 5-HTP could be expected to help increase serotonin synthesis, while the SSRIs would keep those levels elevated – but this hypothesis has not been shown to be particularly effective. In at least one study, 5-HTP actually appeared to cause an increase in depressive symptoms in healthy subjects – exactly the opposite effect that users of the supplement are looking for. 

Should you decide to use 5-HTP, the typical dose is 300-900mg per day (usually in 2-3 doses throughout the day).

( 知識學習科學百科 )
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