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* 成龍的懇切呼籲
2008/05/17 12:25:42瀏覽1723|回應0|推薦47

May 14, 2008

Jackie has recorded a plea for support for the victims of the China earthquake. Here is a translation of his video statement:

成龍於 5 14 日晚間錄了一段話,懇求呼籲各界支持中國四川大地震的受難者。以下是成龍發表的談話:

The May 12 earthquake impacted a large part of China and many Chinese people. This sudden disaster has done tremendous damage, killing or injuring many people. The Chinese people now face a severe challenge. I am here to encourage everyone to help the affected people to overcome this disaster. Please reach out with helping hands and hearts to join us in the effort to help. Thank you.




Through his charitable foundation, Jackie has already donated US $1.4 million to the relief effort. Many fans have written to ask how they can help. Jackie will collect donations at his online charity donation page and see that the money is distributed to the proper organizations. Please choose China Earthquake Fund from the drop down menu here .

成龍以「成龍慈善基金會」之名義,已經捐出 140 萬美金,作為緊急援救災區之貢獻。許多成龍的影迷也寫信前來詢問如何共襄盛舉。成龍將會在他的基金會發起募集捐款的專案網頁,請影迷們在網頁上點選「 China arthquake Fund 」(中國大地震捐款專戶),有錢出錢,有力出力。

For those of you who can understand Mandarin Chinese, you can watch Jackie's statement here

(轉載自「成龍官網」。成龍集團台北發言人 李慧良 翻譯)




( 在地生活大陸港澳 )
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