Youtube 影片裡敘述:
Opera at the market 2009
13 November 2009 : an ordinary day at the Central Market of Valencia. Suddenly, beautiful classical music starts sounding over the market stores of fruits and vegetables : fragments of Giuseppe Verdi's "La Traviata" are sung by professional opera singers ! Look at the faces and reactions of the buyers and customers, amazed before such magic and divine music, and by the confidence of good taste. Some are even moved into tears...
Giuseppe Verdi La Traviata opera acts Valencia 1853 Italy Venice Mercado Central libretto Franceso Maria Piave Dumas
像這些眾樂樂的例子﹐最有名的是波士頓交響樂團每年在查理士河畔的國慶日演奏。公園裡擠滿了看煙火和聽音樂的人。Boston Pops 的創始人 Arthur Fiedler本著推廣古典音樂﹐讓一般市井小民也能免費欣賞﹐每年都在國慶日舉行露天音樂會。音樂會的高潮當然是演奏柴可夫斯基的1812序曲﹐最後砲聲隆隆與天空裡繽紛燦爛的煙火相應和﹐大家 High 到最高點…
Big Cannon Finale! Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular:
Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture: 4th of July, 2009(第36年)
Luciano Pavarotti - Nessun Dorma (Central Park Concert)