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2023/11/16 01:04:38瀏覽655|回應0|推薦3 | |
A thousand winds(千風之歌) Please don’t stand at my grave and weep. (請不要佇立在我墳前哭泣) I am not there, I do not sleep. (我不在那裡 我沒有沈睡不醒) I am the sunlight on the ripened grain. (我會化身為金澄稻穗上陽光的容顏)I am the gentle autumn rain. (我會化身為溫和的秋雨) I am a thousand winds. (我會化為千風) I am a thousand winds that blow. (我會化身為千陣拂面的清風) I am the diamond glint on snow. (我會化身為白雪綻放鑽石光芒) I am a thousand winds that blow. (我會化身為千陣拂面的清風) Please don’t stand at my grave and cry. (請不要佇立在我墳前哭泣) I am not there, I did not die. (我不在那裡 我沒有離開人間) I am the swift rush of birds in flight. (我是疾捷仰衝的飛燕) I am the stars that shine at night. (我是夜中守護你的星星) I am a thousand winds. (我會化為千風) I am a thousand winds that blow.(我會化身為千陣拂面的清風) I am the diamond glint on snow. (我會化身為白雪綻放鑽石光芒) I am a thousand winds that blow. (我會化身為千陣拂面的清風)
陽光和煦的星期三,爺爺旅行去了! 奶奶、爸爸、媽媽還有姑奶奶、姑爺爺和二、三、四爺爺奶奶們,姑姑姑丈、叔叔們,舅爺爺、姨婆和表姑媽表姑丈,ㄤㄤ外公外婆、惟惟爺爺奶奶都來送行,還有熟識爺爺的包子爸大學同學。 爺爺行囊帶著滿滿的幸福和甜蜜去旅行! 67年前爺爺在喜悅的期待中來報到,因為愛和家人相聚,離別時感謝因為愛而相聚的日子,只要心存感激,讓愛流傳下去,以愛迎向未來,爺爺永遠在我們心中。 包子予辰、ㄤㄤ淮睿、Leo羿徽 爺爺愛我,我愛他呀! 爺爺愛我,我愛他呀! 爺爺愛我,我愛他呀! |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |