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Square Privacy Cleaner 個人隱私清除程式
2010/10/18 21:18:49瀏覽1053|回應0|推薦0

Square Privacy Cleaner 會把常用的電腦操作過程、隱私資料分成「Windows General」、「Web Browsers」、「Temp Folders」、「Applications」與「Junk Files」等5個分類,使用者可以依實際需求勾選要清除的項目,再按一下「Delete Traces」按鈕,即可開始搜尋、刪除已選取的操作記錄與隱私資料。

Windows General 內多數與系統有關的操作記錄;Web Browsers 內有 IE、Firefox、opera、Google Chrome等常見瀏覽器的瀏覽記錄、快取、Cookies、網址記錄與下載清單;Temp Folders 內是電腦暫存資料夾裡面的一些暫時使用的檔案;Junk Files 是電腦中log記錄檔,可依實際需求勾選、刪除。

軟體名稱:Square Privacy Cleaner
系統支援:Windows 98/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Win7(32/64位元)

Square Privacy Cleaner is a fast, powerful, and easy to use privacy protection tool, able to remove all the unwanted history data on your computer. With one simple mouse click, Square Privacy Cleaner allows you to erase Windows traces, recent opened documents, prefetch files, clipboard cache, MRU lists, temp folders, junk files, making PC operation fast and smooth. You can clean Internet traces, like cookies, history and cache of popular web browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Google Chrome. Cleaning of third-parties applications is also supported, is possible to erase WinRAR history, WinZIP history, Java cache, Java logs, Java temporary folders, Media Player Classic history, Borland Delphi history, Microsoft Office history, and many more.

Square Privacy Cleaner allows you to remove also locked index.DAT files and generic locked files on the next reboot of the system. During cleaning process, our program will try to terminate running processes of the files that reside in temporary folders or in other folders that have been selected to be cleaned.

Key Features
Clean Windows Traces
Clean Registry MRU Lists
Clean Clipboard Cache
Clean Wordpad History
Clean Internet Traces
Clean Internet Explorer Traces
Clean Mozilla Firefox Traces
Clean Opera Traces
Clean Google Chrome Traces
Clean Java Cache, Logs and Temp Directory
Clean Flash Player History
Clean WinRAR & WinZIP History
Clean Other Applications History
Clean Windows Temp Directories
Clean Windows Log Files
Terminate Running Processes
Delete index.DAT Files on next Reboot
Delete Locked Files on next Reboot
IconTray Support
Delete Traces when Windows Shutdown
Delete Traces when Windows Starts
Fast Traces Deletion
Commandline Support
Easy to Use
Completely FREE

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